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Bishop Roshaun M. O’Bryant, is a Husband, Father, and An Anointed and Appointed End Time Messenger who has been divinely ordered by God for today’s church.  He is a passionate leader who has been equipped with a Rhema word of deliverance that will change the lives of the bound, the afflicted, the hurt and the abused. Bishop acknowledged his call to ministry at the young age 16 which helps to support one of his primary ministry areas, a desire to see youth and young adults walk into their full potential exemplifying a life that will demonstrate God’s ability to sustain them in every area.

Bishop O’Bryant began his career in The Travel & Hospitality Industry with a focus on Hotel Management which parallels with his heart for active service and community outreach.

Today, Bishop O’Bryant is the founder of The Pool of Life Community Church a growing, energetic & vibrant ministry located in Houston, TX of which is centered on four founding pillars PRAYER, DELIVERANCE, OUTREACH & FAITH.

With an unwavering heart Bishop is humbled to serve in what he believes is his first responsibility, the ministry of “Family”. Bishop is a devoted father to one daughter Trinity Lynn O’Bryant and proud Husband to one of his greatest supporters who walks alongside him and the vision of TPCC, First Lady Gracie M. O’Bryant.

When asked what the vision is for The Pool of Life Community Church, Bishop O’Bryant’s vision is uncompromisingly clear; to do as Jesus did- to seek and save those which are lost… by Any Means Necessary (Luke 19:19).