Bowling Social
Kick-off Meeting
Ministry Charter
S.H.I.F.T. Young Adult Ministry
Seeking Holiness, Integrity, Fellowship, and Transformation
Mission Statement:
The Young Adult Ministry is dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of young adults aged 18-35, grounded in prayer, rooted in the Word of God, committed to outreach, empowered for deliverance, and living out their faith in bold and transformative ways.
To see young adults deeply connected to God through prayer and the Word, actively engaged in outreach and evangelism, experiencing deliverance from bondage, and walking in unwavering faith as they impact their world for Christ.
Core Values:
1. Prayer: We prioritize fervent prayer as the foundation of our ministry, seeking God's guidance, presence, and power in all that we do.
2. Word: We believe in the authority and transformative power of God's Word, and we are committed to studying, teaching, and applying it in our lives.
3. Outreach: We are passionate about reaching out to others with the love and message of Jesus Christ, both within our community and beyond.
4. Deliverance: We believe in the freedom and deliverance available through Jesus Christ, and we are committed to supporting one another in overcoming spiritual strongholds and experiencing breakthrough.
5. Faith: We live by faith, trusting in God's promises and stepping out boldly to fulfill His calling on our lives.
1. Deepening Prayer Life: Provide opportunities for young adults to cultivate a rich and consistent prayer life, including corporate prayer gatherings, prayer retreats, and discipleship in prayer.
2. Biblical Discipleship: Facilitate in-depth study and application of Scripture through Bible studies, discipleship groups, and teachings that equip young adults to grow in their faith.
3. Strategic Outreach: Develop and implement outreach initiatives that effectively connect with young adults in the community, demonstrating God's love in tangible ways and inviting them into relationship with Jesus.
4. Spiritual Deliverance: Offer resources, counseling, and prayer support for young adults seeking freedom from spiritual bondage, addiction, or oppression, fostering an environment of healing and restoration.
5. Faith Activation: Create opportunities for young adults to step out in faith through missions, evangelism, serving the marginalized, and participating in ministries that stretch and challenge their faith.
1. Prayer Gatherings: Host regular prayer meetings, prayer walks, and 24/7 prayer initiatives to foster a culture of prayer and intercession among young adults.
2. Bible Study Groups: Organize small group Bible studies, discipleship courses, and topical studies that deepen young adults' understanding of Scripture and its application to daily life.
3. Community Outreach Events: Plan and execute outreach events such as community service projects, evangelistic gatherings, and creative outreach campaigns targeting young adults.
4. Prayer and Deliverance Ministry: Establish a prayer and deliverance ministry team trained to provide spiritual support, counseling, and prayer ministry for those seeking freedom and breakthrough.
5. Faith-building Activities: Organize mission trips, evangelism outreaches, faith-building challenges, and opportunities for young adults to step out of their comfort zones and trust God for the impossible.
Performance Indicators:
1. Prayer Engagement: Measure participation and engagement in prayer activities and events.
2. Biblical Literacy: Assess knowledge and application of Scripture through participation in Bible studies and discipleship programs.
3. Outreach Impact: Track the number of young adults reached through outreach events and initiatives, as well as indicators of spiritual response and engagement.
4. Deliverance Testimonies: Document and share stories of deliverance and transformation within the young adult community.
5. Faith Journey: Capture testimonies and feedback regarding steps of faith taken and experiences of God's faithfulness and provision.
Review and Evaluation:
Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of ministry efforts in light of our values and goals, seeking feedback from participants, leaders, and stakeholders. Adjust strategies and initiatives as needed to better align with our mission and vision, relying on prayer and discernment to guide our direction and priorities.